AGCCCI and you

At AGCCCI, we've been thinking about what we can do for our members. We've planned some important services, but we'll continue to add more as our community grows. We're here to serve and support you, so that you can not only grow and make the most of your business, but also be a true image of Christ in the marketplace.


Training and updates | What we're all about | Our training and forum topics

Managing and mentoring your human resources

Sharing the Gospel at work

Doing business for Christ

Financing and funding

Sales and marketing strategies

Sales innovations

Kingdom leadership in action

Our roles and responsibilities

Creating a healthy workplace

 Use technology to develop your business and increase productivity

Business ethics and practices

Managing your finances

Budgeting and forecasting

Financing and funding

Christian entrepreneurship

Market perimeter analysis

Monthly online webinars

Online gathering for training, meetings and information updates.
Quarterly conference

On-site meetings for general training and other information updates.
Monthly newsletter

News updates, business opportunities and other commercial content to enhance your business.

Partners Companies