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What we do and why we do it?

AGCCCI _ African Global Christian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an organization dedicated to unifying Christian entrepreneurs across Africa. We believe the marketplace is a strategic place where our God-given gifts and talents can make a significant impact. Our mission is to promote Christian values ​​in business, encourage trade between African countries, and foster economic development while bringing positive change to our communities.


Countries in Africa


Booming companies

Population and sustained economic growth

Our Story

AGCCCI was founded by Jean Maurice M. Prosper with the objective of creating a platform for Christian entrepreneurs in Africa. Since its inception, we have developed a strong network of partners and investors, and have worked to build successful collaborations across the African continent. We have also established links with international partners to open new market and investment opportunities.


Partners Companies

Our vision

Our vision is to build a Christian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Africa that is collaborative and productive, centered on the kingdom of God. We aim to create a network where Christian values influence the African market, bringing transformation and progress at all levels, and extending ministry beyond church boundaries.


Countries in Africa


Booming companies

Population and sustained economic growth

Our Team

Our team is made up of committed leaders

Registered compagnies

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